Storybook Plan

Storybook Plan:
Possible stories:
- Story 1: When the Storm God Rides
- Story 2: The Lone Lightning
- Story 3: The Bird Whose Wings Made the Wind
Helpful source(s):
Native American Wind Mythology
Native American Weather Mythology
Native American Rain Mythology
Native American Snow Mythology
Native American Ice Snow
Native American Storm Mythology
Native American Lightning Mythology
Native American Thunder Mythology
Native American Tornado Mythology
Native American Flood Myths and Legends
Native American Rainbow Mythology

So far, my plan is not to include an overarching or connecting theme among the stories or a continuity between them. Of course the theme of all three stories will be Native American weather myths, especially those that tell how some phenomena originated (such as in Story 3). The storytelling style that I will likely use is more modern language and modern themes rather than keeping the stories in the style they are in already. The main idea that I'm looking forward to learning about is origin stories about how different weather events came to be according to Native American stories passed down through generations. A message that I would like to get across to readers is the difference between what the stories tell and the actual science behind the phenomena.


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